News Section:
Not much to say today, but I changed the site around a bit. I haven't tested out the new
Nero image, so if you guys are having any troubles with it, let us know in the message
board. Also, if you have any questions about the technical side of the emulator that aren't
addressed in the emulator FAQ (which there aren't many, yet), email me or post something on
the message board! Thanks guys!
- Dave -
Hey guys! I bet ya thought we forgot about you. Sorry, but Ken and I have been incredibly
busy in the last few weeks, so an update was hard to come by. My boss has been on vacation,
so I've been left to do most of the cooking and cleanup at the restaurant that I work at, so
I don't get home until about 12 every night (assuming I don't go out after work). Anyway,
just wanted to let you all know that we're still here!
Check out the download section! We finally have a working version of the Nero image for
NesterDC v3! Also, I FINALLY wrote up a burning FAQ for all you who are having trouble. To
get there, click on "FAQ's" on the left toolbar, then go to the burning FAQ. You can find
help on burning the emulator disc and ROM discs. Hope it helps!
- Dave -
Well, it's been a few days since NesterDC v3.0 was released, and I think we're almost all set
clearing up problems. The issues we've cleared up are as follows:
- Some other sites created Nero images to burn NesterDC. These images do not work, so they
should be disregarded as a means of burning our emulator.
- The NesterDC burning buddy has caused some problems with some people, and this goes along
just like the Nero images of NesterDC. Please don't use them, as we don't know why they
malfunction and we cannot offer any assistance in using them.
- In order to properly save/load, your ROM filenames must be in DOS 8.3 filename format.
That means your filenames can be no longer than 8 letters plus the 3 letter extension name.
- Dave -
NesterDC v3.0 has been released!
New Features:
- The sound is close to 100% perfect.
- The game menu selection screen has been improved, but there is now a limit of 2048 (with
a 128 character limit per name) roms per cd.
- The menu's look much better now, thanks to the artwork of Dave Arnold, who is also the
webmaster of our site!.
- Version 3 is noticably faster than Version 2.
- There are new frame skip options.
- If a game exists in the GAMES directory called GAME.NES, NesterDC will skip all intro
menu's and run that game. This will lead to single game cd's that feel more like a real NES.
- The source code has been released.
I hope Version 3 was worth the wait.
- Ken -
Hey guys, just to give you an update on everything, here's a quick rundown of some of the new
things here at the DCEZ:
- I added a listbot for you guys to join if you are sick of checking every 10 minutes for
NesterDC 3.0! To join, go to the main page, it's at the bottom.
- I JUST added a new java-based chatroom for you guys. I noticed a LOT of you guys use the
message board, so I figured you might like a chatroom for another means of communication.
- As we promised, NesterDC will be released VERY soon. Ken was away during Memorial Day
weekend, so that was a holdup. But soon! VERY VERY soon!
- I fixed up some of the HTML files on the site, and started on the Burning and Emulator
FAQ! (I know, I know, FINALLY!)
Anyway, just figured I'd bring you guys up to date with some of the new things I'm trying out
- Dave -
Just felt I needed to say (not like you guys couldn't tell already!) that I finally came up
with an idea for the new site design. I really want to know what you guys think... do you
like this page more? still like the old one? any ideas to make it better? C'mon, email me!
- Dave -
Hey all, just wanted to say "hope you like the new site design". Ken and I have been coding
like crazy to get some major overhauls done... you can be expecting a new version of NesterDC
out soon!
P.S. You didn't hear this from me, but you might be seeing another addition to the
DC emulation family some time in the near future, if ya get what I'm sayin!
- Dave -
Hey guys, you probably won't see many submissions by me, but I wanted to let you all know that
I'm helping to redesign this site. E-mail me with any comments about the new site!
- Dave -
I added a forum today. This
may be helpful for some people having burning problems. Feel free to post your thoughts on
NesterDC. Constructive comments will be taken seriously and may influence future development.
- Ken -
NesterDC version 2 is out. You can pick it up in the download
New Features:
- The sound is much better, but still not 100% perfect.
- Exit from a game to the main menu.
- Save game SaveRAM to a vmu.
- Save user settings to a vmu.
- Mapper 24 support from nester public beta 4.
- Be sure to check out the readme for full details.
- Ken -
I sent out a beta to a couple of testers today, so version 2 should be out very soon (as long
as I didn't make any major coding mistakes).
On a side note, retro arcade fans should check
this out. Put a fast computer in there with Mame,
and you have the ultimate arcade machine. To buy or not to buy, that is the question...
- Ken -
Status Update:
I have made a number of improvements for version 2. Save support is almost working, some of
the nester public beta 4 improvements are now present, the ability to exit to the main menu
from a game has been added, and the game selection menu has been cleaned up quite a bit. Stay
tuned. Please don't email me about a release date. It will be released when its ready.
This site is going to be hosted by emusphere.com. The
new url will be posted here when the move is complete.
Look for a message board on this site in the near future.
I think that's everything :)
- Ken -
Hello. My name is Ken Friece and I am the author of NesterDC. NesterDC is an emulator that
plays NES games on Dreamcast. It is a port of NESter
that was developed using Libdream 0.95. You can
pick it up in the download section. I will post
progress updates on this page from time to time. I know this site is pretty lame right now,
but it will improve in the future. Here are some good Dreamcast development links.
Have fun!!!
- Ken -
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