Welcome to the *ALL NEW* Dreamcast Emulation Zone!
- The site is designed for MSIE 6.0+ and at LEAST 800x600 resolution (higher is better)-
To access the home page at any time, click the banner at the top left!
Current Version Available:
NesterDC v3.0
VMU Saving (w/DOS 8.3 filenames) | New GUI | Near 100% Sound | More features/options | For more, see README file
Latest News:
Well, here's the new site! Hope you all like it. Just want to say a few quick things:
- A sad farewell to Ken Friece... thanks for all your hard work, and good luck in whatever you do!
- Welcome to Takayama Fumihiko, the NEW programmer for NesterDC! We can expect great things from him!
- We have a new message board, so check it out! (You'll need to register your names again, though)
Anyway, we can expect a version 4.0 release any day now, so stick around!
- Dave -
Big changes as of late here... Takayama Fumihiko (programmer for the now-famous
Unofficial NesterDC) is officially joining up with us here to help work on a version 4.0 release! Also,
I'm sure you've noticed the new look... it's a work in progress, but I hope you like it. Also, check
out the new message board (you'll need to make new names, it's on a different server, but NO POP-UPS!). Thanks
to emulation64.com and emutalk.net for the board and hosting services!
- Dave -
For all news articles, please go to the "news" section.
- Site hosted by Emulation64.com -